The delicacy of these fine beads is wonderfully accentuated through filigree pieces of jewellery. With your personal colour combinations and sequences, your creations become unique and exclusive. But also in combination with other beads such as glass faceted beads, glass wax beads or glass bugle beads, trendy unique pieces of jewellery are simply created. All you need for your personal jewellery dream is: First and foremost, of course, you need beads, still beads and even more beads... It’s up to you to define what colour, size, look fits your very own creation. But the accessories are still essential: For special woven works, we recommend the Miyuki beading thread; fine threading needles and high-quality packaging material make your piece of jewellery complete.
Miyuki products
Threading yarn for Delica-Rocailles
0,27 mm, reel 50 m, tab-bag 1 reel
Available Colors