Your style. Your slime.

Your style. Your slime.

With Rayher’s slime.

The 90’s are back! At least some trends from this motley decade, like the absolute must-have: Slime. And what is better at present than at that time? The fact that you can make it yourself! In your favourite colour, with or without glitter, and in the consistency that you like best. So here we go: let’s slime!

Craftideas Slime

Slime Basic recipe


Difficulty -


15 min

How does it work? Quite simply! The basic recipe consists of the following elements: craft glue, baking soda and contact lens fluid (combined solution) as activating agent, soap dye, soap fragrance, glitter glue and/or sequins. You will also need a few wooden skewers, a storage box, a mixing bowl and a spoon. The exact quantities and detailed instructions can be found under the section Craft Ideas "Basic Slime Recipe". In any case, we recommend our soap dye and our soap fragrance, because these are dermatologically tested. You want a different consistency for your mucous item? With our contact adhesive instead of our craft glue, your mucous darling becomes even creamier, like chewing-gum. Try it out and let yourself be surprised!


Slime products

Glitter glue Space

bottle 50ml

Set Glitter glue Basic

10ml, tab-blister 5pc

Sidewalk Chalk

Sidewalk Chalk

To the brochure
Sidewalk Chalk

My Planner

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My Planner

Turn your year into your very own highlight!
My Planner

Raysin becomes colourful.

With Rayher’s Raysin and colour pigments.